Tuesday, 28 July 2009

United Economy

Emarking on our Californian adventure was going to involve one of my longer flights. It's eleven hours of fun filled cabin time from London to San Francisco.

I arrived prepared, dressed like I was going to gym class, and armed with hours of entertainment.
  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (I heart Gladwell)
  • What Color is Your Parachute (Yes, I am having a midlife crisis. I also lotteried for 2 marathons.)
  • My Laptop with 8 hours of battery, Civilization, and Mad Men episodes.
  • Kit to charge the laptop in flight, if needed
  • Cozy shawl
  • Bottle of Water
  • Big bag of wine gums (suitable for sharing, but I had little intention of that)
  • Nytol (that's right, to help me get my z's)
  • Anti-inflammatory Pills for my hamstring
I got on the plane, took the Nytol, and well, it was lights out for most of the flight. I haven't flown United in a long, long time; however, I think I'd be very inclined to do it again. I had a lot more legroom in economy than I've become used to, and it was excellent. That's not to say it was spacious, but at no point did my knees make contact with the seat on front of me, and that's pretty nice. I usually empty the seat pocket immediately, and this time, there was no need at all.

Even the flight back was fine, and this was further improved by the assignment of exit row seats.

I also discovered that SFO has an Aviation Museum, which is full of all sorts of random commerical airline stuffs, including this set of Pan Am emergency instruction cards.

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