Having studied a bit of Mandarin, I actually have a bit of a clue as to just how hard it may be to effectively learn these two radically different languages.
That said, it's still really funny to see one's native language so misused.
Here are my remaining favorites, rediscovered while sorting the many pictures taken.
At the Aquarium:
Down here, all the fish is happy!
(look to the right for , "...us and eat us"
A subway advertisement for Biore face wash on the Taipei MRT promises a Happy Ending!
A department store advises that their products do not have testers:
Meanwhile, one may shop at
Kuda: For Curious Woman
For any emergency, please press this button:
Some just want to be Foved, at the Shilin Night market
And surely whatever snack is created when the,
"vegetable stick attaches the tartra sauce"
is worth a go...