Sunday, 1 March 2009

Photography Class Assignment I

Assignment I:
- Shoot in the area the size of a football pitch and note what we've done and why. If possible, we are to visit the chosen location at different times of day to work in different lighting conditions.
- No photoshopping.
- Film students were told to use black and white film. (I'm not sure if that applies to digital but will submit mine in black and white.)

Easy enough, eh?

First things first: The Chosen Location
I headed over to Trafalgar Square. It's an open space, which is good for light, and it always has people in it.

Unfortunately, I happened to pick a day with stereotypical London weather. I suppose I'll have to prove that we do have sunshine here in a later post.

1. Depth of Field Comparisons - afternoon



2. Depth of Field Comparisons - Nighttime



Otherwise I just played around (here are some of my favorites)


and at nightime:
Picasso images are being projected onto the main building of the National Gallery to promote a Picasso exhibition
I've including the color shot at the top, so you can see it in all its glory, but black and white ones follow.


  1. Cool! Didn't know you started your classes

  2. Back in February! I tried to drag Bridgette in, but the timing wasn't right. :)

  3. You make me miss England so much!!! If I ever get around to it, I'll post a pic of me in Trafalgar square from 1990. My hair and outfit are hilarious...

  4. Nice.
    This inspires me to get a real camera.
    Everything cannot be captured properly on a crappy 2.0mp blackberry cam...


  5. Sabrina, I look forward to that day!

    Dm- I have so much more to learn. :)Thank you!

  6. You're doing just fine.
    Keep up the great work!

