Sunday, 19 April 2009

The Quest for Sunday Lunch: The Rules

Sunday Roast is an institution in England, one I've grown very fond of.

This entry officially begins our Quest for the Best Sunday Lunch.

On to the Quest Rules:

Reviews will be made based on whatever is ordered, so if we do overdose on Roasts, we'll assume that whatever we do select reasonably represents the pub's offerings.

Each contributor will award the venue two scores*
  • Food: this score is exclusively for the food
  • Environment: this score is for everything else; the venue's atmosphere, decor, service, toilets, board games, etc.
Scores are awarded on a scale of 0-5, where 5 is considered extraordinary, 2.5 is profoundly average, and a zero is, well, traumatic.

Contributors' scores will be averaged to determine both category-specific scores for both Food and Environment and the Final Yum Score.

*Note: Prior to June 2009, contributors awarded only a food score.

All Reviewed Pubs (as well as the review date and scores) are added to our The Quest for the Best Sunday Roast Google Map

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