Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Photo du Jour: St. John's Gate

Taking a picture every day generally means I need to leave my office during the precious daylight hours, so this morning, I wandered around nearby St. John's Lane in Clerkenwell.

This picture is from inside of the archway of St. John's Gate. This 16th Century Gatehouse once formed the entry to the Priory of Clerkenwell, but now hosts a museum dedicated to the site's history.

I hadn't expected to pick up neighborhood history while doing this, but that seems an inevitability. The Wikipedia links above share an interesting story.


  1. You should add the picture to the Wikipedia page, it shows part of the gate that the other photos don't cover.

  2. You are so right.
    Shame on me! I take so much Wikipedia and give none.
    I definitely will do.
